Thanks to the amazing developers at Home Assistant using switchbot local control with bluetooth is much easier than making use of the cloud API, win win.
The Home Assistant team have recently published a list of known working and tested bluetooth adapters, they also suggest using a USB extension lead to move it away from interference like USB3 ports.

As soon as the bluetooth adapter is plugged in Home Assistant it should be detected automatically on the Integrations screen, a press of the “Configure” button and its installed and ready to go.
Any supported bluetooth devices will be automatically detected, luckily my SwitchBot curtains were found immediately and just needed a quick press of the configure button before they were working.
Continuing on the simple setup streak using Mushshroom cards we can setup perfect dashboard tiles.

I have two switchbot curtains on my large window so I created a curtain group by going to Settings\Devices and Services\Helpers

Now I can control the two curtains as a group or individually, we can even partially close a single curtain (perfect for when the sun shines on the TV).
Combining all this together I have a Dashboard that looks like this